Saturday, March 10, 2007

women, knitting, silence, music

I knit a hat and shrug for Magnolia for today's Women's March! Lovely weather for a march, and the good company of Vania, Joel and Mishka.

I saw Starter for 10 this week. I usually really, really love light British films, and HBO films, but this one was just okay. It's set in the Thatcher-era, so the music and clothes are great!! Does it seem that a lot of British movies have Christmas in them?

Best line in the movie: "the people who really care about you don't mind if you make mistakes, it's what you do next that matters."

Last night I went to a six-hour "noble silence." Spending time without talking is no big deal, but spending it in the same room as a bunch of other people and not making eye contact while we do sitting meditations, walking meditations, yoga and mindful eating...powerful stuff. Most of my mind wandering was in the domestic goddess category: things to knit and sew and make nicer.

Quick! Who has a spare ticket I can buy to go see The Pipettes play tonight??


Kelly Peeples said...

MEDITATION RETREAT: GO WITH THIS. I think the fact you did it and are eager for more is a big clue that this could be a healing breakthrough for you. Go go go! I promise to do some yoga tomorrow (I've been slakkin') in your honor, with a dab of "Woman See Bright" oil. :)

mjm knitting said...

hope you were able to see the pipettes. sucked about the line up and wait time!

vania said...

I'm glad you had fun at the march and i loved that Blythe joined us too - i love that quote you took from the movie - really good bit of wisdom

krissy said...

blythe is sooo pretty in her little handcrafted outfit! green is definitely a good colour for her.
i love that she's not just beautiful but socially aware too.

Political.Asylum said...

The Sarcastic Idiocy Forum has long touted the wonders of women and music. We cannot vouch for the knitting or silence, but are game for trying nearly anything within reason.