Thursday, June 22, 2006

A Farewell to the Repertories?

There’s a SOLD sign on the Royal now, but no amount of Googling tells me who bought it. Please let it not become a condo. My heart is with The Revue, let’s save it. I've been trying to get out to see more movies at the Festivals since the announcement was made that the chain's for sale, I'm guilty of waiting for the DVD for second run flicks.


krissy said...

there's been a lot of talk of this lately in the globe and on metro morning. it totally breaks my heart.

Anonymous said...

We've had that happen in SF to almost all the rep theaters. It's so awful!

vania said...

It breaks my heart too, but i'm guilty of renting more these days. I hate to just sit and see what happens, but i guess that's what i'll have to do

Michelle said...

i don't think it's renting that's too blame, it's the big multi/megaplexes. supposedly, renting creates more interest in movies which boosts theater-going. forget where i heard this, but i totally agree with it from personal experience.

of course, theater closings are rampant here, too, though most of them happened long ago. THOUGH, the ifc turned the old waverly into a theater recently, and that was good news. except that they (at first) weren't negotiating with union projectionists, etc...

Anonymous said...

ugh- its SO SAD!!
the guy at the royal this weekend said the rumor was some film types had bought it and MAY screen movies again at night??
fingers crossed!!!

t. said...

I used to be a Torontonian and I volunteered in so many festivals I have been working at most of the closing teathre for an afternoon or a few days. Recently a friend who still lives there broke to me the news that these teathres are closing and indeed it is SO SAD!
I just fail to understand how things like that can be allowed. Granted I am from Europe where a strong (but often failing) protectionist system is in place, but still... laws should protect these historical and cultural establishments!